您的位置:大嘴外教 > 客户见证 > 2014外教面试流程——外教招聘
外教招聘面试流程 Interview Process 面试前的准备—阅读简历 Before an interview—Screening Resume 了解应聘者的意向,比如想要找全职还是兼职,学校还是一对一外教; Find the candidate’s intention. Does she want a full-time or part-time job, tutoring or teaching? 了解应聘者的资历,可根据其国籍、教学经验等; Estimate the candidate’s value, mainly depending on nationality and teaching experience. 找出需要在面试中询问的问题。 Made the questions to be asked during the interview. 注意 Note : 在阅读完简历之后,要给出应聘者一个大致的定位。 After reading the resume, the interview should get a general evaluation to the candidate. 第一部分 寒暄 Part One Greetings 在自我介绍之后可以聊一些轻松的话题,例如:来中国多少时间了?在中国呆的还开心吗? This part is mainly to warm up. Following the self-introduction can be a small relaxing talk. 注意 Note : 时间不必太长,1-2分钟即可。 It should not take too long. Around 1-2 minutes is suitable. 第二部分 了解目前的工作状态 Part Two What do you do now? 这一部分主要是为了考察其稳定性,以及对这份工作的态度和目的,可结合申请表上填写的内容询问。 This part is mainly to examine the candidate’s stability, and also its attitude and purpose for this job. 为什么来到中国? Why do you come to China? 目前是否有全职工作? What do you do now? 如果没有,是否在寻找全职工作? 未来的打算是怎样的? Do you have any plan in the future? 注意 Note : 了解完之后,要自然过渡到第三部分问话。 Move to the third part in a natural way. 第三部分 了解教学 Part Three About Teaching 这一部分可结合简历以及申请表中有关教学的部分来问答。 对于有教学经历的外教,主要集中于以下几个问题: For the experienced teacher, we can use the following questions: 在某某学校工作的开心吗? Did you have a great time at….? 教的是几岁的学生?教的是什么课程? Which age group have you taught? What courses have you taught? 学员存在的问题在哪里?针对出现的这些问题,你有什么好的教学方法? What problems do the students have in the English learning? Do you have any good idea to help them solve these problems? 从教学当中体会到的成就感在哪里?在教学中遇到的困难有哪些? Are you pride of your teaching? Did you meet any difficulties hard to deal with? 有没有好的教学材料?会不会提前备课? Do you have any good teaching materials for …? Do you often make well preparations before class.? 目前自己比较倾向于教哪类学生? What kind of students do you prefer to teach now? 注意 Note: 这一部分一定要保持互动,且连贯问答。 其实,在聊的过程当中,给出一些特定的教学问题来询问其怎么解决,比如,如何改善学员的发音,如何帮助其扩展词汇,如何帮助没有自信的学员提高口语这之类的问题。当然,可以问的在具体深入一些。 对于有过几年教学经历的人,可以考察到对方是否是真的会教学。 对于教学资历比较丰厚的老师,可以在这里挖出很多好的教学方法以及对英语教学的见解,在考察其教资历的同时,也增长了我们自身的见识。同时,这类老师可能也比较挑剔,也要问清楚他想要接收什么样的学生。 During this part, keep interactive and consistent. Actually, we can give the interviewee some specific teaching questions, like “how to perfect pronunciation”, “how to extend vocabulary”, “how to help those shy students open their mouth”, etc. If necessary, we can ask more details. For those less experienced teachers, it will show if he is really a good teacher. For those more experienced teachers, it is a great opportunity for us to get professional ideas on teaching. However, such teachers may be somewhat critical, so we need to pay more attention about their preference. 在简历中没有提到任何教学经历的应聘者,要集中于以下两点: If the interviewee have few teaching experience, we can focus on the two following aspects: 如果对方不是母语国家的人,可以询问他是怎么学习英语的。 If the candidate is non-native speaker, we can ask something about their own English learning experience. 觉得自己比较倾向于教什么样的学生?知不知道如何去教? What kind of students do you prefer to teach? Do you know how to teach? 对于这一问题,应聘者可能只会泛泛而谈,我们要继续询问下去,给出一些更加具体的教学问题。如果对方的回答不是我们想要的,我们也可以给到他一些教学方法上的建议。 Most of interviewees may only have a very general idea, even no idea. We should also give them some specific teaching questions. If their answers are not expected, we can also give them some suggestions on teaching. 根据其之前的教育背景和工作背景了解到其擅长的领域,告知有相似背景的学生可能会介绍给他。 According his education background and prior working experience, we can get his special field. Then we can let him know that the student with similar background may be suitable for him. 第四部分 申请表 Part Four Application Form 国籍 Nationality 有些是双国籍的,要问一下它主要生活在哪个国家;非母语国家的,可以问一下是否在英语国家生活过,自己的英语是怎么学习的。 For those half-bred or with dual-nationality, we need ask which country he stayed longer. For those none-native speakers, we need ask if he had lived in English countries and how he learned English. 联系方式 Email and Phone Number 很多外教的书写都不清楚,如果书写的不清楚且简历中又没有,就询问确认。 If the character is hard to recognize and they are not in the CV, we need to confirm with the interviewee. 签证 Visa 签证类型及到期日期一定要关注,如果是短期的旅游签证,一定要问对方签证到期了如何处理。 Pay more attention to visa type and its expiration. If it is the short-term Tourism Visa, we need to ask the interviewee what they will do when the visa is due. 汉语水平 Chinese Level 所选择的学生类型及课程 Teaching Subjects 可以结合之前的谈话,弄清楚应聘者擅长教什么,适合教什么,愿意教什么。 时间 Available Time 距离 Distance 价格 Rate 告知我们的四个等级的工资标准 Present the four rate level in our agency. 2)提出我们给对方的工资范围,告知对方我们的理由是什么。 Tell him how much we can pay and explain our reason. 3) 如果对方不认可,价格过高,告诉他这样的选择会出现什么后果。 If the price he demands is too high, we tell her what may happen in the future cooperation. 工资领取规定 The Payment Rules including the frequency of getting payment and the class record. 第五部分 合作规则 Part Five The Cooperation Rules 向外教介绍大致的合作流程。表达要清楚,简介,明了,流畅,语速适中 Introduce the cooperation process. The expression must be simple, clear, fluent and with moderate speed. 请外教阅读管理规则并签字 Let the interviewee read rules and regulations carefully and sign. 强调以下几点: Emphasize the following points: 1)要及时回复顾问的电话或邮件;Reply to the phone and email from the consultants. 2)工资领取规定 The payment rules 第六部分 课时记录表、教师手册、学员手册 Part Six Class Record Educator’s Book Students’ Book 课时记录表 Class Record 1)介绍其作用和使用规则 Explain why and how to use it. 2)强调其签名(客户中文名字、标签贴)Emphasis on the Chinese signature on the sticker. 3)提醒其背面的出勤规则 Remind him to read the requirements on attendance. 教师手册 Educator’s Book 大致介绍其里面所涵盖的内容 Introduce the general contents in the book. 学生手册 Students’ Book 大致介绍其里面所涵盖的内容及其作用,希望其认真对待 Introduce the general contents and its role. Remind him to take it serious. 第七部分 结尾 Part Seven The End 介绍外教顾问进来 Lead one or two consultants to come to meet with the candidate. 拍照 Take photo of the candidate. 给名片,如果缺少简历或其他文件,叮嘱之后发送。 Pass the name card. If we don’t have his CV or other required documents, remind him to send us later. |