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幼儿阶段不能错过 英语课堂用语100句
为了不让孩子输在起跑线上,宝妈宝爸们使出了浑身力气,可见我们每一位家长对孩子都寄予了很大的希望。 2-3岁是孩子最佳学习语言阶段,他们能够通过图片等抽象的事物记忆到脑海中。比如2-3岁孩子对色彩极其的敏感,他们喜欢各种各样的绘本,喜欢去翻阅。这对于家长来说是一个很好的锻炼孩子学习的机会,从绘本开始教学,从简单的单词开始认识再到脱口而出。今天大嘴外教叔叔给幼儿阶段的小朋友们带来了干货-英语课堂常用英语100句噢! 幼儿英语课堂用语100句 一、 上课(Beginning a class) 1. Stand up, please. 2. Sit down, please. 3. Class begins. 二、 问候(Greetings) 1.Hello/Hi! 2. Good morning! Good afternoon! 3. How are you? Fine, thank you. 4.Nice to meet you!/ Nice to see you! 5. Give me a hug. 6. Give me a kiss. 三、 考勤(Checking attendance) 1. Who’s absent 2. Where’s Tom 3 Don’t be late. 4. Go back,please. 5. Come in, please 6. - What’s your name? - My name is Tom.- I'm Tom 7. -Are you Mary? -Yes, I’m Mary. 四、 提起注意(Directing attention) 1. Ready 2. Clear 3. Understand? /Got it 4. Volunteers 5. Look out !/Watch out ! 6. Be careful ! 7. Quiet, please. 8. Look here. Look at me. 9. Attention !-1 2 10. Eyes on me !- Eyes on you ! 五、课堂活动(Classroom activities) Useful language 1.Let’s begin. / Let’s start. Let’s do it . Let’s play. Let’s sing. / Let’s chant. Let’s learn it. 2.Have a seat. 3. Warm up time. 4.Together! 5. Review the words. 6. Story time. 7.In pairs, please. In a group, please. In groups, please. 8.Now you, please. 9.It’s your turn. 10. Lines up. 11.Turn around. 12. Follow me. 13. Repeat after me. 14. Clap your hands. 15. Stamp your feet. 16. Open/Close your eyes. 17. Come out. 19. -Give me a book. Here you are. 20.Give me a five. Questions 21.Whose turn? 22. What’s this? 23.What colour ? 24.What number ? 25.How many ? 26.What do you like? Activities(Craft) 27. Draw a cat. 28. Find the number. 29. Match it. 30. Circle it. 31. Colour the ball. 32. Cut out. 33. Glue on the … 32. Trace it. 34. Paste it on the picture. 六、请求(Requests) 1.Could you please try it again? 2.Could you please try the next one? 3.Can you help me? 4.One more time,please. 七、鼓励(Encouraging) 1. Cool! 2. Woo! 3. Ouch! 4. Bingo! 5. Nice work 6. A big kiss. 7. A big hug. 8.Try again. 7. Much better! 9.Outstanding! 10.Do your best. 11. Beautiful work. 12.You are smart. 13.OK./ That’s OK. 14.Congratulations! 15.Good. / Good job! 16.Super!/ Super star! 17.Good, thank you. 18.Good job!/ Well done 19.Don’t be afraid/shy/nervous. 20.Excellent!/ Great!/ Very good. 八、指令(Issuing a command) Useful language 1. Repeat/Read after me, please. 2. Look , Listen and repeat. 3.Listen,point and repeat. 4.Follow the words. 5.In English, please. 6.Remember it. 7.Hurry! 8.Slowly! / Fast(Quickly)! Actions 9.Pass me the book./a pencil. 10. Open the door. /Close the door. Open your books . /Close(Shut) your books, please. 11. Touch the ground./Touch your nose( toes). 12. Show me your pen( glue). /Show me your fingers. 13. Put the book on the desk. 14. Put up your hands, please./ Raise your hands, please. /Hands up! 15. Put down your hands, please./ Hands down! 16. Please take out your books. 17. Clean up. 18. Clean the blackboard. 19. Come here, please. 20.Stop here, please./Now, let’s stop. 九、禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning) 1.Stop talking. 2.No kicking. 3.No running. 4.No fighting. 5.No pushing. 6.No yelling. 十、布置作业(Setting homework) 1.Do your homework. 2.Recite the new words. 3.Write the letters 3 times. 4.Listen to the tape. 十一、下课(Dismissing the class) 1.Time is up. 2.Let’s stop here. 3.Class is over. 4.Goodbye./ Bye. 5.See you. 6.One by one. 孩子学英语不仅仅需要纯正的英语环境同时还需要家长不断引导。大嘴外教15年专注于为3-12岁孩子提供双语,国际学校全科到家及在线个性化培训辅导。我们采用美国CCSS标准原版进口教材及专业母语外教为中国孩子提供幼儿全科英语启蒙、双语国际学校学科英语、学术英语等课程,无缝衔接双语国际学校入学要求,并为孩子将来海外求学提升打下坚实基础。 如果家长们需要找幼儿英语外教,大嘴外教15年专注为3-12岁孩子提供双语,国际学校全科到家及在线个性化培训辅导。同时大嘴外教英语课程欢迎家长们领取,给孩子更多学英语的机会。 |