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很多人英语水平很高,但英语口语却让人不敢恭维,所以英语口语也成了许多英语学习者的硬伤。说一口流利又标准的英语口语对以后的工作和生活都会有很大帮助,下面就给大家10个加快提高英语口语的好方法。 1.Do not hesitate:勇敢开口不迟疑 Talk to whoever you can.Decide among your circle of friends that you will only talk in English with each other. This way you can get rid of hesitation and also have your friends correct you when you are wrong. 尽可能地使用英语跟更多人交流。建立一个只用英文交流的朋友圈。在这些人中,你不仅可以英语交流,他们还能帮你矫正英语口语中的错误。 2.Start a conversation with strangers in English:跟陌生人英语交流 Since you do not know them personally, you will feel less conscious about what they would feel about you. 因为你们相互不了解,事实上就可以顾虑地更少一些。大胆开口就行。 3.Maintaining a diary:写英语日记 Keep a diary to record the events of your day is a great way to practice your writing skills. Take your time to use new words and phrases when you write in your diary. 养成记英文日记的好习惯不仅可以记录每一天发生的事情,同样也可以锻炼你的写作技能。记日记的时候,不妨多试试新的单词和词组。 4.Read the news:读英语新闻 Read it aloud when you can. Concentrate on each word. Note down the words you don’t understand and learn their meanings. Try to use these words in your own sentences. 读新闻的时候,你不妨大声朗读,甚至专注每一个单词。不明白的词汇,做好标注,尽力掌握,并多加练习。 5.Watch English movies and English shows on television:看美剧、原文电影 Initially, you can read the sub-titles to follow the conversation. As you practice more, you will realize that you are able to follow the conversation without needing to read the sub-titles. 刚开始的时候,说不定你需要字幕来帮助理解。但其实你只要多加练习听力,你逐渐可以摆脱字幕依赖。 6.Set aside an hour every day to watch English news channels:每天一小时英语频道 This is one of the most effective ways of improving your comprehension. 这是提高英语口语和英语理解力最有效的办法之一。 7.Podcasts are available on the internet:利用网上英语有声读物 These are audio and video files and many of these can be downloaded for free. These are a great way to practice listening skills and develop an understanding of different accents. 网络上有许多免费下载的音频视频,可以用来练习听力和适应不同的口音。 8.Read the lyrics:英文歌词也是学习的好素材 It is usually quite difficult for a beginner to understand the words of an English song as there is background music and the accent of the artist may be unfamiliar to the listener. Read the lyrics while you listen to the song and you will comprehend better. Once you start following the voice of a particular singer, you will find it much easier to understand the singer’s other songs too. 对于初学者而言,因为背景乐的影响或者不熟悉演唱者的口音,要听懂歌词是很难的。不如在听歌的时候,顺便读读歌词,更有助于你的理解。一旦你熟悉了某个演唱者的歌声,他演唱的其他歌曲也很容易理解。 9.Record your own voice and listen to it:录音练习,反复矫正 You will notice hesitations and pauses. You may also notice that you make some grammatical mistakes while speaking that you do not make while writing. You must aim to improve and rectify these mistakes in subsequent recordings. 录音中你就会发现自己有犹豫和停顿的地方。同时也能意识到那些写作中不会出现却能出现在英语讲话中的语法错误。在接下来的录音练习中,你就要避免再次重复这些失误。 10.Ask people who speak better for advice:取长补短,虚心求教 There is no shame in seeking help especially if you are trying to improve yourself. Talk to them in English and ask them to correct you whenever you are wrong. 如果你想提高英语,主动寻求帮助并不丢脸。多跟他们英语对话,并及时纠正自己的错误。 学习英语口语是一个持之以恒的过程,不仅需要正确的方法,更需要正确、积极的态度。不积跬步,无以至千里。口语学习重在积累和尝试的过程,在如今资源充沛的条件下,英语口语的学习并非难事。那么接下来,看看自己还有哪些没有做到,赶紧行动起来吧! 想加薪,英语却是短板?想出国尽情嗨,却担心语言障碍?想和歪果仁愉快的交流,却发现自己是哑巴英语?不要沮丧,来大嘴外教,沉浸式外教一对一教学,流利英语自信开口说!还在等什么,即刻点击咨询吧! |