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『大嘴周练』英文绘本:A Sick Day for Amos McGee 阿莫的生病日
《A Sick Day for Amos McGee》 《阿莫的生病日 》 AMos McGee was an early riser, Every morning when the alarm clanged, He swung his legs get out of bed and swapped his pajamas for a fresh-presse uniform. 阿莫·麦吉是个早起的人, 每天早晨当闹铃“叮铃铃”地响起时, 他摆摆腿,下床来,脱下睡衣,换上熨得笔挺的制服。 He would wind his watch and set a pot of water toboil......,saying to the sugar bowl," A spoonful for my oatmeal, and two for my teacup." 他会给怀表上好弦,煮上一壶开水,对糖罐子说:“请给我的燕麦粥里来一勺,茶杯里来两勺。” Every day Amos waited for the number five bus. 阿莫每天都要坐5路公共汽车。 "Next stop,City Zoo,"the bus driver would call. 巴士司机喊:“下一站,动物园。” "6 a.m.Right on time,"he’reply. 阿莫应声说:“6点整,很准时。” He would play chess with the elephant. (who thought and thought bofore making a move) 他跟大象下国际象棋 (大象每下一步都要想啊想) run races with the tortoise (who never ever lost) 和乌龟赛跑(乌龟从没输过) sit quietly with the penguin (who was very shy) 陪企鹅安静地坐一坐(企鹅特别害羞) lend a handkerchief to the rhinoceros (who always had a runny nose) 给犀牛递手绢(犀牛总爱流鼻涕) and,at sun sets, read stories to the owl (who was afraid of the black). 太阳落山时,为猫头鹰读书讲故事(因为这只猫头鹰怕黑)。 One day,AMos McGee AWOKEwith the sniffles,and the sneezes, and the chills. He swung his achy legs out of bed, curled them back again and said., "Ugh, I do not think I will be going to work today." 有一天,阿莫醒来时,抽了几下鼻子,打了几个喷嚏,还不住地打冷战。他摆动酸痛的腿,坐到床边,又蜷缩回来。他对自己说:“哎呦,我今天恐怕不能去工作了。” Meanwhile AT THE ZOO ... The animals waited for their friends. The elephant arranged his pawns and polish his castles. The tortoise stretched his legs and limbered up. The penguin satpatiently,all by himself. The rhinoceroses worried that his allergies were worsening. The owl perched atop a tall stack of storybooks, scratching his head with concern. "Where isAMos McGee AWOKE?"The animals wondered. 此时,在动物园里...... 动物们在等待他们的朋友。 大象在摆弄棋子,把车擦了又擦。 乌龟伸伸脖子蹬蹬腿,做热身运动。 企鹅独自耐心地坐着。 犀牛担心自己的过敏症状又加重了。 猫头鹰栖息在高高的一摞故事书上,满怀关切的搔着头。 动物们都很想知道:“阿莫在哪儿呢?” Later that day 这天晚些时候...... "Hooray!My good friends are here!" “万岁!好朋友们来了!” The elephant prepared a game of chess. 大象摆好了一盘棋, Amos thought and thought before making move. 阿莫每下一步棋都要想啊想。 " I'm too tired to run racestoday,"saidAmoto the tortoise. “今天我太累了,不能赛跑了。”阿莫对乌龟说。 "Let's play hide-and-seek instead." “我们改玩捉迷藏吧。” The tortoise hid inside his shell. 乌龟躲在龟壳里。 Amos hid beneath the covers. 阿莫藏在被子下。 Amos yawned,"I could use a nap," 阿莫打个哈欠说:“我可要打个盹了。” The penguin sat quietly, keeping Amos's feetwarm. 企鹅安静地坐着,给阿莫暖暖脚。 "Ah - chool!" Amos awoke with a sneeze. Therhinoceros was ready with a handkerchief. “阿——嚏!”阿莫打个喷嚏醒过来。 犀牛已经为他准备好一条手绢。 "I'm beginning to feel much better,thank you,"saidAmos to his friends, He swungs his legs out of bed ."Perhaps we will share a pot of tea ?" 阿莫对朋友们说:“谢谢你们,我已经感觉好多了。” 他摆摆腿,下床来,对他们说: “大家一起来喝壶茶怎么样?” Amos wound his alarm clock. "It's getting late," he said. " After all,we have a morning bus to catch." So Amos said goodnight to the elephant. And goodnight to the tortoise. And goodnight to the penguin.And goodnight to the rhinoceros.And goodnight to the owl,who-knowing that Amos was afraid of the dark-read a story aloud before turning out the light. 阿莫调好闹钟。 “时间不早了。”他说。 “明儿一早还要赶早班车呢。” 于是阿莫跟大象说晚安。 然后跟乌龟说晚安。 然后跟企鹅说晚安。 然后跟犀牛说晚安。 然后跟猫头鹰说晚安。 猫头鹰知道阿莫怕黑, 还在灯前为他读书讲故事。 如果你想让你的孩子上国际学校,甚至想让您的孩子出国留学,也许你就是单纯的想让孩子学好英语,但是孩子在英语学习过程中却不敢开口运用,甚至不喜欢学习英语。那就来大嘴外教吧,这里有最专业的顾问老师,浸泡式母语气氛教学,让孩子轻松学英语,别再犹豫,即刻点击预约免费试听课,让您的孩子爱上英语。 |